

Community and urban gardens are an excellent place for growing fresh food. Learn how to secure your garden plot and how to make the most of your space.

社区和城市花园的趋势也在不断发展 房主 租房者也一样. 创建城市和社区花园是一种丰富的体验. 许多人喜欢创造花园的经历, 维护它, 看着事物成长,分享成长的东西.

同时种植新鲜水果, 花卉和蔬菜, 花园可以帮助美化空地, 加强社会联系, 灌输社区自豪感和鼓励意识 房屋和公寓的维护.


Community and urban vegetable and flower gardens offer physical and mental health benefits. Regardless of the size or location, they provide several opportunities including:

  • 加强空间和社区
  • 吃健康的新鲜水果和蔬菜
  • 参加体育活动
  • 美化空地
  • 振兴工业区社区
  • 恢复和美化公园和屋顶等区域
  • 提供鲜花 装饰你的家和公寓
  • 加强社会联系,增进社会福祉


If you've seen a shared urban gardening space in your neighborhood or heard others discuss their experiences, 你可能想知道这是关于什么的. Urban gardening has been around for many years and is often confused with community gardening.

Urban gardening is an umbrella term and sometimes referred to as urban agriculture or urban farming. It is the process of growing plants of all types and varieties in an urban or densely populated environment.

Urban gardening uses various techniques and approaches raising plants and food in densely populated urban areas. Some urban gardens are done individually or with a group of people in the same vicinity, 建筑物或建筑群.


种植花园有不同的区域和不同的方法. 这里有一些需要考虑的事情.


选择适合您选择的空间的位置和植物选择. Figuring out w在这里 to locate your garden or plants is the first thing that needs to be done. Make sure to plant items in areas that typically get several hours of sunlight every day, 因为这能让它们迅速成熟.


评估和测量阳台和屋顶上的空间. 在这些地方会遇到一些挑战,比如大风, 在某些情况下,强烈的阳光和缺水. 容器 should be secured and the area must have easy water transport or access.


T在这里 are many varieties and sizes of containers and it generally depends on what plants you want to grow. Choose containers that meet your aesthetic taste and will enhance the space. 确保你的选择是持久的.

T在这里 are various container types and materials such as terra cotta, wood and plastic. 每种方法都有利有弊.

  • 陶土容器 -这是一种既便宜又有效的容器, 但它们也很脆,比其他材料更容易失水.
  • 木质容器或凸起的床 — These are easy to find and make, but they generally do rot and fade over time. 一些由木材制成的容器是用未经处理的木材预先制成的. Many raised flower or plant beds are made of redwood or cedar lumber, as they typically last longer.
  • 塑料容器 -这些既便宜又耐用,但肯定需要排水, 当暴露在阳光或天气下时,它们最终会变脆.


在城市地区,空间通常是一个问题. Every inch of space counts and strategically using space for gardening is important. One of the easiest ways to make more use of vertical space is to use hanging baskets. 你也可以加入像草莓这样的食物, 或者像豌豆一样向下种植藤蔓植物, 西红柿等. 确保吊篮能够支撑一株满载的植物.


Growing indoor plants is perfect for those that are strapped for space and have no favorable outdoor location to utilize. 流行的室内种植品种包括:

  • 草本植物 -这些植物在阳光充足的窗台上或长方形花盆里生长得很好.
  • Micro-greens — These are nutrient-rich miniature vegetables and grow well in propagation pots or trays.
  • 豆芽 — These grow best in indirect light, such as a shady corner of your kitchen. 你可以在种子发芽后一两天内吃它们.

You can research other food-bearing and flowering plants that grow well indoors.


A community garden is a single piece of property or land gardened collectively by a group of people or families. 花园地块可以是凸起的床或地下. 不同的家庭或个人可以维护每张床. A variety of plants, flowers, fruits and vegetables are typically grown in community gardens.

当你发现一个潜在的空间或位置,你想要花园, 联系组织者, 土地拥有人或协调人. 如果没有可用空间, 问问你能帮什么忙, such as maintain a plot while a family is on vacation or pitch in on volunteer tasks such as fall cleanup. 询问在哪里出售或捐赠多余的农产品. 通常,你将能够分享或购买花园的赏金.


When you become an official community gardener, t在这里 are some things to keep in mind:

  • 维护好你的土地和植物. Keep your plot planted, weeded, watered and in good shape all season long. If you need to abandon the project, notify the garden organizer as soon as possible.
  • 控制垃圾和杂草. Contribute to the shared maintenance by keeping your space and the adjacent pathways and any common spaces free of weeds and litter.
  • 种植矮小的植物. 避免种植高大的作物,以免遮蔽邻近的地块. Stick with hardy, easy-grow plants that require little hands-on maintenance. 生活 gets busy, and when your garden isn't right outside your door, daily visits can be difficult.
  • 只收获自己的庄稼. 不要拿别人园丁的植物.
  • 避免使用有毒物质. 不要使用化肥, 杀虫剂, chemicals and any substances that potentially could harm other plots or that other gardeners might not welcome.


  • 工具设备
  • 维护公共区域,包括通道和聚会空间
  • 击剑
  • 堆肥

可能会有一些基本规则,比如入会条件, 有机园艺实践, minimum maintenance, cooperative work and time limits for planting and harvesting.

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了解一些宠物友好的植物, 也要避开有毒的室内植物, 帮助你的猫和狗快乐和健康.

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